cnn points out tRump is reinstating the cold war with cuba amid shouts of TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!, the orange cheeto reinstated the embargo and travel ban. his rally was intertwined by a mob scraming TRUMP! as he grinned like an idiot.
his rally incited the crowd with red meat as he listed old charges about human rights, demanded that cuba hold free elections and spewed wild accusations about the castro refime.
as he focused on moving backward in u.s. relations with this tiny island over human rights, he loudly proclaimed ,it will end!”, referring to that nation’s government… then lapsed into his usual “we will forger a much stronger and better path, we will make a deal, a much better deal..."
then he stated that every nation had a right to chart their own path and “we will respect cuban sovereignty… but we will respect the cuban people ...” then he rambled on about how ,we reject it...” then on to talking about a little boy…
this speech makes NO sense… none whatsoever.
and the glaring elephant i. the room is saudi arabiad the human rights abuses…. but i guess raul castro didn’t give trump a sword dance and big party and gold necklace.
trump is back on the election, crowd started to sing happy birthday and he cut them off a few sour notes in … and now he is signing the rollback of president obama’s executive order on cuba.
and the crowd shouted his name and he posed.
is anyone else watching? this is surreal and scary. he is fucking nuts!
in actuality, his rhetoric isn’t consistant with what he is signing. most of the obama policy remains in place. this was a flagrant playing to the crowd and, as cnn said, he was clearly enjoying the crowd! and, as usual, he lied to the crowd, again.