i wanted to personally thank the blogathon for bringing us to the attention of the community. thanks to remembrance, i got to buy sani food this week and keep my car insured.
i may be off the grid for a bit, though, my phone bill is due tomorrow and i've three more major bills coming due that got put off due to the trip to n.c. as some of you know, these last few months have been tumultous - the left over loss of the majority of the use of my left hand due to an inept physical therapist who delayed starting treatment after my hand surgery last december (she waited a full month because, in her own words, "i'm really BOOKED!"). that left enough time for severe scar tissue to set in - and it is only now that i have partial use of my hand back ... and another procedure scheduled for jan 6 where, under nerve block, my surgeon will force my fingers to bend through the scarring. that may or may not work but physical therapy THIS time starts on jan 7 - if not, then i get to go under the knife again to cut the tendons loose from the ligaments that are blocked with the scarring.
then, my room mate took a job with her friend as a "wildlife trapper" - and she kills what she catches. this is against EVERYTHING that i have done in my life in wildlife rehabilitation... so i fled the room i was forced to take in her house when i lost my cottage last december (2012) due to mom's will not being resolved. (little did i know then what was to come...)
ao, in july, after multiple askings from a friend's 88 yr old mom, i moved into her condo to stay until my lawyer was able to get mom's estate resolved. (yes, we had to go there - seems my sister closed probate over two years ago without ever showing me the will SHE wrote and signed and presented to the court... more on that down the road - but, folks, HAVE a NEUTRAL arbitrator on ALL wills - NOT a family member as an executrix/or)
more below the squiggle... if you are interested in the trials and tribulations that will eventually make their way into a book/script.