watching a “live” rally on cnn (again) with trump at the moment — he just spent ten minutes with a palinesque sentence running on without a break justifying his fighting the lawsuit against his “trump university”— even, at one point, saying, “trade? who wants to talk about “trade”— i won’t settle — if you settle, more people will sue you — i like to spend money — i’ll never settle — this is personal — i’ll never settle — attorney met with obama, took $15,000 and next day sued me — person in “trump u” said she LIKED trump u and they wanted to remove her — i’ll never settle — i, me, i, i, i, i, i, i….— these guys are world class liars — yada yada yada yada”
politicians really bad people, seedy, bad…. angry… and …
he is walking back winning — he was saying “this has been a good experience… IF i win… bad trade deals — talking about what he’s going to do — dumbest deals -—
he has yet to complete a coherent sentence.
yeah, i know, you’ll say — “not new, he’s been doing this all along”— but today is different! he is completely scattered and incoherent and the bulk of what he is doing is defending himself from the recent attacks on his failed university, the loan his father gave him — he is actually showing weakness.
This rally is about him and not channeling the anger of his minions. this will cost him. before, his rallys have been about them and why they should be angry and channeling their prejudices. today, it is ALL about trump making excuses. he will get back on track and attack the government and other candidates, then drift back into defending himself.
he is losing his crowd — very little cheering — very little enthusiasm in this “rally”— bensonville, arkansas. i think i am FINALLY glad cnn is covering this narcissist non-stop. for the FIRST time, i can’t take my eyes off his speechifying because he is losing his audience. the less they respond, the more he is disjointed. fascinating!
thinking here that we are seeing his achilles heel! and are we seeing the beginning of the end?
here’s hoping!
oh, and somebody cut his “squirrel” in half — no more weirdhead today — still the flap in the back, but somebody had taken shears to the rug and it may be the reason his brains aren’t working.